Needed to be an actor/model


The first thing is to ask yourself a question 


Emmm.. maybe because you  are very good looking ,
You want to be famous or want to earn alot of money , mostly people love their looks , and some are so overconfident that they step in this profession and fails badly , sometimes people in our environment , family members or friends pump us about our looks . But they are not directors and maybe your looks are not enough to be a model . 
Thats true acting don't require too much looks but modelling defiantly depends on it. In future posts I will write how to improve your acting . But if someone says you or you think that you can be a model or actor it will take a long painful journey .

Acting is a talent , profession ,creativity similar to painting.
If you can't enjoy this ,if you can't respect, it won't give you respect 
If this is your internal voice that you has to do this and you never tired doing this, you are always working for it ,thinking for it . Then it's not so far when you are going to fulfill your Dreams

If you find your internal voice , and you are fully  inspired and motivated to do this , flow all your energy  your money everything  for it. You have to observe following  features in you.

Not to be worried  if you don't have one or 2. I will give you ways how to install these features in you ,  so you can decide to carry on :)

                         ..... POLISH YOUR LOOKS ....

Your looks depends upon 4 things which are :


In this lesson we will only study about face symmetry
Everything  in symmetry attracts and modelling /acting  is only about attracting , what is a symmetrical  face?
That's true every person have different face symmetries and modelling is not specific to any ,but most of the people destroy their face symmetry due to bad habbits ,  bad habits like incorrect sleeping pose, incorrect eating ways etc.  
Before to know how to get rid of these habits , we should know what a perfect symmetrical face is consist of ..


In models and actors forehead really matters .
In modelling your hairs never matter even they are curly or straight etc but your forehead do, its the arrangement of your first layer of hairs on forehead .
Some people have really unmannered  arrangements or light hairs in the front (mostly in females ) this looks really bad and unattractive .
Girls please don't fasten your hairs too tight it will takes you to forehead baldness


I think you should go for a laser treatment  which will remove your extra hairs but if you are afraid of side effects  or can't afford it , then I recommend to cut them and shape your forehead , ask your barber to do this
After sometime these soft hairs get harder and then match them with your original growing hairs , maybe after this you  still has to make its shape, but it will be some hais to be cutted . No problem  if you go to barber shop every month
Here some styles in which you can shappen  your forehead


Some people have perfect eyebrows and they don't need to plucking, but if you don't have one you should go for it.
Majority females do it but basic mistake is when you pluck too  much or design it which don't suits on your face . As I told everyone  has its own face in my future blogs I will tell you some techniques to have eyebrows which suits you according  to your face symmetry
Most of the people never recommend a man to pluck his eyebrows  but I think it's important , your face symmetrical look depend on it . Scared of pain? only go for the hairs between both eyebrows . For actors this is very important so you can express your expression more clearly and  easily .

Please don't shave them or trim ,even never use sessior on them
This maybe allow some extra hairs to grow or make your eyebrows thicker and you has to shave it every second day.
Even don't pluck it everyday ,go for it once a month 

I think most of the people have nose problem.They think that they have big  ugly nose but believe me nose doesn't matter that way in acting but still yes for modelling because modelling only depends on looks .

Sharukhkhan is one of the best  actor with worst nose  but still everyone love him I think  most of the girls do. 

So you have nose problem and you are rejected again and again due  to this . Here is a yoga exercise or you can say massage to adjust your nose .
If you don't want to do this or don't have enough time or 
You think It won't work try this out ,it really gives shape to many noses 
:D best way to find, check out the comments box
And the last one my favourite guy . He has super awesome ways to hide your problems related to look I highly recommend  to have a look on other videos of him . If you dont want to go for massage and you can't put something  on your face hide your weakness

2nd problem  mostly fatty guys or gals have is heavy cheeks which really looks unattractive you can control this by different methods . Some I recommend to go gym and workout , most people workout alot but have a minor change  on cheeks .

Firstly ask your trainer what to do but my advice is to work more on core. Your belly is directly linked to face the more fats in belly the more fats on face . I am not saying go for six abs but have a daily core exercise  and reduce your extra fat & yeah Decrease fat consumption .

Some people have  no fats but still have heavy cheeks this maybe due to your facial bones arrangements . I never recommend someone to push their bones with hands to adjust them or reform, it maybe destroy your face symmetry  and you won't get another face. Another reason is gravity , What gravity? Yes! gravity is pulling our muscles down so the muscles which should be under the eyes low down on cheeks  . Here is an exercise to reduce your cheeks or reform your facial bones  and have a slim face 
Please  go for the same time  and increase gradually    . 
No,1 go for the Yoga exercise
If it doesn't work go for these exercises  to slim your face

the most important and most attractive feature in men and women both is jawline .

I think face cuts are more important  in male models then female ones ,but this doesnt mean that chubby cheeks looks good on females but like maira  khan I think she's really beautiful  and have no such deep cuts in addition she have nice cheeks and jawline 

Guys if you want to go for modelling you must have well define jawline and face cuts . I recommend  this to actors too, because I think if u want to look symmetrical  and attractive  this is important 

Here are some facial exercise  which will give you perfect jawline and face cuts ,  for face cuts the above mention links are enough . In addition  core exercise  as I told before is best to have a perfect jawline, but still u want to focus on your face here is the link . I tried this and have 100% result .
Please do this exercise  with specific time and repition  for both sides.

At last I know you are tired to have so many facial exercise  but please don't do all.  excess is bad .  Just  go for it where you have problems , yeah now you  might be thinking that after you adjust  your  face you have to carry on these  things  or not ?

To maintain your look and symmetry  you have to leave these exercises  and just go for this massage in morning
Best massage for maintaining your skin and looks
Recommended  for males and females both ..
.....GOOD  LUCK ..... hope you like it don't forget to suscribe for the next lessons


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